Designing Change in Chile

Integrating Women into the Labor Market by Leveraging Industries: A Strategy for a Triple Bottom Line Approach to Economic Development

Client: University of Valparíso

Class: International Environment of Business

Team: Dyanis DeJesus, Jennifer Laga, Jahanzeb Khan

Role: Project Lead

The rapid growth in Chile’s economy and population has resulted in an immediate need for the developing nation to create new employment opportunities while also lessening their dependence on the copper mining industry. Copper makes up one third of the government’s revenue, however additional sectors that contribute to their GDP have also been growing. One of these sectors is the tourism industry. Proposals to further explore opportunities for expanding this industry have been identified by the Chilean government and are currently in development. This evaluation explores opportunities in Chile and a government-approved proposal for developing tourism in Valparaiso. As part of this evaluation process this report also identifies the participation of women in the labor market as a secondary area of focus. The subsequent findings inform a methodology that will allow others to use strategic design thinking and triple bottom line practices to find superior solutions for industry development in any reg

Keywords: Triple Bottom Line by Design, Female Labor Force, Woman Empowerment, creative economies 

Project Summary >  



Executive Summary